Today was a normal day to give kids school whole day. I am trying to lose weight with dieting and also faithful exercise. But I am not that faitihful. Each day I have been trying to get into something more today type of move. By His help....
Kids had done well and I took sliming tea this morning and I have gotten very bad cramp so I went to sleep for a bit middle of day. Kids had fun time together. I started to teach school kids Japanese from last Friday. So today was the second time. Kids said "Konnichiwa" (means hello!) "Ohayogozaimasu" (Good morning!) also taught body parts. When I shake my bottom and say "Oshiri" and they copied and laughed like crazy. ha! Kids are kids and their pronounciation is so good compare with English speaking people they learn so fast and better pronounciation in Japanese. That is great! I will put few photos from the class next week.